
Read your voice message

WhisperBot - AI tool for Messaging, Speech-to-text, WhatsApp

πŸ“ What is WhisperBot?

WhisperBot is an AI WhatsApp assistant that transcribes your voice messages almost instantly.
Powered by OpenAI's technology, it understands more than 57 languages and provides high accuracy, ensuring you understand at least 95% of the voice message.
WhisperBot leverages WhatsApp's end-to-end encryption for your voice messages, and once the transcription is sent to you, all the related content is erased.
No more looking for your AirPods, WhisperBot gives you AI powers. Try WhisperBot for free, no credit card needed, just text #boredtoreplay.

πŸ’° Pricing:

Pricing model: Freemium
Paid plan starts at: $4.8/Month

🏷️ Tags:

Messaging Speech-to-text WhatsApp

πŸ’» Platforms:

  • Mobile
  • Web

πŸ”— Links:


πŸ’‘ Alternatives to WhisperBot

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