Postus AI

Social media post generator

Postus AI - AI tool for Content Creation, Marketing, Automation, social media

πŸ“ What is Postus AI?

Boost your social media presence with Postus' AI-generated posts.
Connect your social media profiles and let Postus handle updates for you.
Save time crafting the perfect post and focus on growing your business.
Postus generates engaging content tailored to your brand and audience, all at an affordable price.

Postus could be used for the creation of posts on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and other social media.
It has an easy-to-use interface. You just need to input a few relevant keywords related to your post topic, and Postus will generate both posts and images instantly.

πŸ’° Pricing:

Pricing model: Paid
Paid plan starts at: $19.0/Month

πŸ’» Platforms:

  • Web

πŸ”— Links:


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πŸ“₯ Submit an AI tool

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