ChatGPT Writer

ChatGPT Writer

ChatGPT Writer - AI tool for Email Assistant, Social Replies

πŸ“ What is ChatGPT Writer?

The ChatGPT Writer extension can be used to generate email responses quickly and easily. To use it, simply install the extension and click on the icon. A popup window will appear where you can enter a brief topic and click on the Generate Response button to create a personalized email reply using AI.

For those who use Gmail, the extension is even more integrated for a smoother experience. To generate an email reply in Gmail, open an email and click on the ChatGPT Writer extension button. Enter a brief topic and click on the Generate reply button to create a personalized email response using AI.

Additionally, the extension respects user privacy and does not use ads, cookies, or third-party trackers. Those who encounter issues while using the extension can provide feedback, ask questions, or report bugs on Github. If using the Brave browser, users may need to disable the "Prevent sites from fingerprinting me based on my language preferences" setting for the extension to work properly.

πŸ’° Pricing:

Pricing model: Free
Paid plan starts at: NA

🏷️ Tags:

Email Assistant Social Replies

πŸ’» Platforms:

  • Browser Plugin

πŸ”— Links:


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